Wetland Restoration
Restoring diverse and complicated ecosystems like wetlands requires a lengthy approval process, challenging establishment, and long-term maintenance. Midwest Wetland Improvements is your Wetlands Restoration advocate; we will work with you to ensure that your project to return your upper Midwest property to nature succeeds. We serve communities across Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Transform Your Land with Professional Wetland Restoration Services
Preserving and restoring wetlands in the upper Midwest is a worthy and challenging goal. The Midwest Wetland Improvements team specializes in comprehensive wetland restoration evaluations and develops tailored restoration plans to ensure the health and sustainability of your land.
What Is Wetland Restoration?
Wetland restoration involves modifying a former or degraded wetland’s physical, chemical, or biological attributes to restore its natural functions. This can be accomplished through re-establishment, which entails rebuilding a former wetland, and rehabilitation, which focuses on repairing the functions of a degraded wetland.
MWI can support independent or state/tribal regulatory initiatives to preserve and enhance wetland ecosystems that support biodiversity, water filtration, flood control, and recreational opportunities. MWI wetland restoration services include wetland delineation, wetland inventory and functional assessments, groundwater monitoring, hydrology studies, restoration design, mitigation banking plans, prospectus and Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) preparation, regulatory permitting, construction bidding and oversight, long-term monitoring, and assessment.
Wetland Restoration Evaluations
MWI uses the latest scientific evaluation tools to identify the causes of degradation or impairment and gain a thorough understanding of the current state of wetlands on your property.
Property Master Plans
Our experts develop illustrated, graphic master plans to map and prioritize your wetland restoration projects, ensuring efficient completion of each step with minimal rework.
Managed Construction and Treatment
The MWI wetland restoration team is on your property to actively implement measures to protect wetlands from degradation or destruction and restore wetland acres. They track progress, assess conditions, and modify practices as needed over time.
- Facilitating natural soil, vegetation, and microbial processes
- Moderating groundwater levels and base flow
- Improving water quality
- Enhancing pollutant removal qualities
- Helping secure local, state, and Federal funding for your project
Whether you are a landowner, organization, or agency, we provide essential wetland restoration services that are critical to effective natural resource management. Contact us today to discover how we can help you preserve and enhance the wetlands on your property.
Experienced Wetland Ecology and Restoration
With years of experience in wetland ecology and restoration, our founder and our team leverage their expertise to help landowners, organizations, and agencies make informed wetland management and conservation decisions. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients are fully satisfied with the revitalization of area wetlands, and we take pride in our ability to recreate natural places to their former glory.
Let’s Discuss Your Project
Let’s work together to rejuvenate your land and contribute to the overall health of the wetlands. Schedule an evaluation with us today and take the first step towards a thriving, sustainable ecosystem.
Click here to schedule online, and we’ll give you a call to discuss your project.